
Sunday 20 April 2014

Verilog Interview Questions - v1.0

Q.1) Verilog HDL originated at

      A.     AT&T Bell Laboratories
            B.     Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
            C.     Gateway Design Automation
            D.     Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

            Answer: C

Q.2) Verilog is an IEEE standard

  1. IEEE 1346
  2. IEEE 1364
  3. IEEE 1394
  4. IEEE 1349
    Answer: B  

Q.3) Which level of abstraction level is available in Verilog but not in VHDL?

  1. Behavioral level
  2. Dataflow level
  3. Gate level
  4. Switch level
    Answer: D

Q.4)  In Verilog  `h1234 is a

  1. 16 bit hexadecimal number
  2. 32 bit hexadecimal number
  3. 4 bit hexadecimal number
  4. It is invalid notation
    Answer: B

Q.5) Which logic level is not supported by Verilog?

  1. U
  2. X
  3. Z
  4. None of the above
    Answer: A

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